Add Apps to Control Panel
OS : Windows 95 User Level : Advanced
This is great for all those apps you just seem to head to the Control Panel for. But for this example I will use Quake ;) You will need four things: 1. A copy of "Themes.Cpl" 2. A Hex Editor (Hex Workshop) 3. Open Regedit and go down to this key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows \CurrentVersion\App Paths] Add a new key name it something with Six letters ALL CAPS with a .EXE on the end. Then edit the Default value, type in the path of the app you wish to appear in the Control Panel I.e. "C:\Games\Quake\Quake.exe" :) Next add a new string value and name it "Path" give it a value (using the above e.g.) "C:\Games\Quake\Quake;"
Open your favorite Hex Editor and open "Themes.cpl" from your Systemdirectory, assuming you have Plus! installed. Do a search for the second hexy range: 43006F006E00740072006F006C00. Where it says. "D.e.s.k.t.o.p. .T.h.e.m.e.s" is the name that appears on the icon, Change it to "Q.u.a.k.e" and 00 out the remaining letters. Where it says "P.e.r.s.o.n.a.l.i.z.e. .y.o.u.r. .c.o.m.p.u.t.e.r" this is the status bar text, change it to match i.e. "Q.u.a.k.e" and 00 out the remaining letters. Where it says "T.H.E.M.E.S...E.X.E" this is the what is referred to the registry, change it to match the new key you made in App Paths, in this case its "QUAKEQ.EXE' so change it to "Q.U.A.K.E.Q...E.X.E" save the file as "Quake.cpl" or anything with a .CPL extension in your system directory. Have a look in the Control panel now and Quake should be there. What to do about the Desktop Themes icon, no problem just open up "Quake.cpl" in icon editor (i.e. Microangelo ibrarian/Studio) And replace it with a Quakey icon of choice, then rebuild icon cache with Microangelo Engineer or reboot. Done.
Updated: March 14, 2001 |