Explorer For All Drives Left Panel View
OS : Windows 95/98/NT User Level : Medium
Many of you have large HDD and have partitioned it to many logical drives. Starting Windows Explorer you can see only the contence of drive C: at the left panel. How about viewing all drives, like "My Computer". How can you do this ? Right click Start button and select Explore command, search for your Windows Explorer shortcut in Programs and holding [Alt] key double click on the shortcut. Select the Shortcut Tab and at the Target text box type after the /e switch the /select switch, whitch it should look like this: C:\WINDOWS\EXPLORER.EXE /n,/e, /select, C:\ Click OK and that was it! Now when you open Windows Explorer you will see all the drives in left panel an the drive C: will be selected.
Updated: March 14, 2001 |