Sound Association (1 of 2)
OS : Windows 95 User Level : Intermed.
Windows 95 lets you attach sounds to the events of any application on your system. Just add the applications and their events to the Sounds dialog box first, using the Registry. Open the Registry Editor (after backing it up) and navigate your way to HKEY-CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps. There, you'll see a list of all the applications whose events are currently listed in the Sounds dialog box. (.Default is Windows.) Let's say you want to associate sounds with Microsoft Word events. Right-mouse click the Apps key, choose New, and then select Key. Rename the new key using the name of the program's EXE file (WINWORD.EXE, for Microsoft Word), without the extension or path. With the new key selected, right-mouse click (Default) in the right pane, choose Modify, and on the Value data line, type the application name. Click OK. Now to add specific events. Click the new application key with the right mouse button, choose New and then Key, and rename the key with the name of an event (for a list of possible event names, double-click the .Default key under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps). Hit Enter and repeat these steps for each event with which you'd like to associate a sound. Close the Registry Editor when you're done. In our next tip, we'll show you how to associate sounds with your new application events.
Updated: May 28, 2001 |