Accessing Files Within Programs
OS : Windows 95/98/NT User
Level : Intermed.
For programs like QuickTime for Windows you can access certain files quicker rather than clicking open etc... Make a shortcut to the program on your desktop, or Start Menu, after the shortcut is made right click on the shortcut, and click on 'Properties'. Click the shortcut tab, and you'll see where the shortcut is pointing (e.g.C:\WINDOWS\PLAYER32.EXE). After that you can write a file that was designed for that program (e.g. ) so you get something like "C:\WINDOWS\PLAYER32.EXE" "C:\SAMPLE.MOV". Apply it, and viola! Every time you open that program, that file will open along with it! This works with more than QuickTime, you can do this with NotePad, WordPad, and TONS more applications! Try It!
Updated: May 28, 2001 |